Bienvenida a la primera area de bisis para las hermanas!!!!
Yes. It was true. Sister Perez and I are making TEXAS MCALLEN MISSION HISTORY!!!!
We have no car. Nope. The sisters we live with have cars... But we
have bikes! Our area is called "Edinburg A Pie" No thats not english.
Its spanish. meaning "Edinburg by foot"! :D I love it!!! I have
seriously loved every minute of working this last week because this is
my dream area!
I know the Lord is going to bless us with so many miracles here
because we are able to talk to EVERYONE and we have a booming area!!! We
have tons of people outside all the time, we have humble areas... I
The area is awesome! My companion is adorable... She's likes 5 foot
nothing and from California. So we are pretty comical riding up on our
bikes to people! But its great! We saw some pretty cool miracles this
week too! We are focusing right now solely on the ward list! We want to
find everyone that lives in our area and make sure we know the people so
we can work with them and figure out who all the less actives are to
get them reactivated! Our english ward list is HUGE!!!! It seriously
should be split but we need some serious reactivation before that can
happen so thats my goal! I have a very strong feeling that is why the
Lord has called us here at this time! As well we are going to find those
prepared souls who need two sisters on bikes to help them remember that
they have a loving Heavenly Father! :)
Right now the focus in our mission is referrals! Everything starts
with the referral to a prepared person right? So Sister Perez and I are
asking everyone we meet who they know that might need the gospel and we
received 14 referrals this last week!! Thats the most I have ever gotten
in a week! It was so cool and then we found a super awesome
investigator when we were contacting the referrals! :D Miracles!
This morning in my personal study I decided to read about faith.
Something that really stuck out to me and that I believe is that our
faith makes us act! in Hebrews 11 it talks about how for the faith all
those people had, they followed the Lord and acted! People are always
saying faith brings miracles but this morning I decided something! Its
not just the faith bringing the miracles. the faith just helps us
recognize them. When we recognize that everything we have, we have been
given by the Lord, its a lot easier to recognize the miracles going on
in our lives! Its not a miracle of Faith that we found this cool
investigator last week, its a miracle we recognized because of our faith
that the Lord is going to put prepared people in our path!
I LOVE being a missionary so much! In our apartment right now we
have 3 sets of sisters including my companion and I! Sister Tippetts is
actually from Grantsville! We spent an evening just talking about all
the people we both know. It was really cool to think about how the Lord
has blessed those people at home and how... life does go on outside of
the world I'm living in here in south texas! Who would have thought? ;)
I love the Gospel so much and I'm grateful for this time I have to
be here serving the Lord with literally all my might, mind, STRENGTH
(bikes!) and heart! This is a great work we are ALL enlisted in until
the Lord takes over :D I challenge you all to give the missionaries a
referral this week! Prayerfull select someone you know who is not a
member and go with the missionaries to go visit that person! Everyone
NEEDS the gospel! Its not just a garnish on the plate of life! It is
EVERYTHING!!! I love you all and hope you have a safe week! Please pray
for Sister Perez and I's safety on the bikes! we do cross some super
busy streets and she's been a little nervous but I know the Lord will
protect and watch over us as long as we are obedient and wise in our
actions! THE CHURCH IS TRUE! GOD LOVES YOU! and so do I! :D
Hermana Nielson y Pepe (my bike!)

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