Fuuun in the suuun everybody wants some!
oh how nice this last week has been. Sister Diaz and I wore SWEATERS
when we were biking?! How crazy is that??? It got down to a freezing 60
degrees! Haha how sad is that? we had a less active member call us
"Texas Wusses" because we were freezing! I just love South Texas!
Remember how we have been biking a lot? Yup we biked every single
day this last week! Except Sunday because we couldn't decide if that
would count as breaking the Sabbath or not considering the fact we don't
HAVE to bike... But it was fun! Sister Diaz has learned how to take one
hand off the handle bars and stand up while she is riding! I'm one
proud momma missionary!
so spiritually fun story for this last week... Sister
Diaz invited someone to be baptized! And he accepted!!! Its the first
investigator we have had out here that has accepted the invitation to be
baptized and we are thrilled! After he said yes sister diaz froze and
just looked at me. She didn't know what to do. It was pretty great(:
being the good companion I am, I took over the lesson again and set the
expectations with him! ah man! Having investigators that want to learn
is seriously the best thing in the whole wide world!!
Now I wanna share something I have been thinking about a lot lately...
work isn't just baptizing. I know I've said that before... but it is a
HUGE part of it. Don't get me wrong. But when we think about missionary
work in the ward, people get hung up on two ideas. They think that we
shouldn't be trying to pull in new members when we have so many less
actives on the rolls... we need to just focus on them! Or then get stuck
on "oh we need investigators and baptisms! go find them missionaries!"
Until we figure out how to balance the two... its very hard for us to
bring about success in the Lord's work!
I know a lot of success I feel like I've had in the mission has
come from helping people be reactivated... but the joy you feel watching
someone come out of the waters of baptism... Nothing quite compares to
it!! We have to find an equal balance and you can't leave it all to the
full time missionaries! I only have 8 and a half more months to be here
in south texas full time preaching the gospel... When I leave this
area... I may never come back or see these people again. (I hope not!
but its possible...) Members have to do the work and fellowship!! You
need to reach out to your friends... multiple times in the mission I
have kicked myself for never saying anything to my friends that are not
members. That error will be corrected when I get home! Trust me!
So I guess over all... my message to you today... is don't get
stuck on way form of missionary work! reach out and try different
things. we were told by our leaders this last week that if we aren't
finding investigators in the normal missionary ways... get creative! So
we are going to get creative this week! Hellooo Beach! Haha!
Well all! I love you truly and so does the Lord! This church is
true and the work will roll on whether we help it or not. Might as well
jump in line right? Bring those beloved friends we have to the tree of
life and help them partake!
Con carino de la isla de norte padre,
La Hermana Nielson!

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