Real life problems...
So in starting my mission I had this fuzzy warm picture in my head
that I wouldn't have to deal with any real life problems right? Then
came some flat tires... a leaking air conditioner, and today...
I unclogged our tub. Yes dad. I did it all by my self while my
companion gagged and watched. It was disgusting and reminded me that
real life problems still exist... major bummer!
well! Conveniently, in the mission, we have lots of good things that
make up for those silly little real life problems we all have to deal
with! I'll list off something good that happened every day!
Monday: We had a pretty normal pday! Lots of
adventure! Then we got to have dinner at a members house with the
elders. These members were called as temple workers in dallas back in
their youth(they are quite old now..) and served there for 13 months!
The brother told us a lot about their cool experiences there and how it
blessed their family a lot! So that was cool!
Tuesday! Transfer day! Luckily sister Diaz and I get
to stay together here in North Padre Island for another 6 weeks! Sister
Diaz was very relieved that she gets her first Thanksgiving and
Christmas away from home with someone she knows very well. All of our
members were really excited to keep us another transfer too so that's
good! We also had an awesome lesson with our investigator that came to
church! He is so great! We taught him about the restoration and he felt
like God can do anything so why couldn't he appear to Joseph Smith?!
Wednesday! Today sister Diaz and I started our two
day stretch of all Spanish Oh man.. it was tough at first! Speaking
nothing but Spanish to your companion is intense... obviously it was
easy for her because Spanish is her native language... but I definitely
had to get creative with describing things when I didn't know the word I
wanted to use... so much laughing happened this day... haha!
Thursday! We had another awesome lesson with our
investigator and just read in the book of Mormon with him! He is super
awesome. When we asked if he has prayed about the things we have talked
about he told us "of course... and I feel like its all true! It just
makes sense!" Sister Diaz and I almost started crying when we got back
to the car because we were so excited! Yes I know.. we are such girls!
But its exciting! We also biked 2 miles in 10 minutes this day... that
may not seem that exciting... but man we were booking it! We had to get
to our appointment fast and our member was meeting us there. Sister Diaz
was NOT happy with me and we were both breathing pretty hard when we
got there.. but it was worth it to have the great lesson!
Friday! Today it got cold... I know everyone up
north is just laughing at me when I complain about cold here... but man!
Humid cold is awful! It just sinks down into your bones and makes you
miserable! Luckily, my compy bought some long sleeve shirts Monday and
she was thrilled to use tights for the first time! haha oh the good
things I am teaching her! :) I was very grateful this day that I didn't
send home my tights back when I was in the mtc. but I also pictured that
moment when I boxed up my warm coat and sent it home and wished I
hadn't... cold days are few and far between here, but they are still
pretty intense! We did have another awesome lesson though! my little
greenie got to teach her first real chastity lesson! She was SOOOO
nervous before we went in. But, luckily... as soon as we explained what
chastity was, our investigator got the whole picture and we didn't have
to explain too much haha! He committed to living it and we are thrilled!
Saturday! Even COLDER! ahhh! It got down to 45
degrees today! I know! Its not snowing weather... but with the humidity
and the wind... it was freezing! We sat in the car quite a few times
with the heat on full blast just to warm up before going and knocking on
another door. Not so fun... but we did get to serve one of our less
actives today! Yay! We have been trying to get an appointment with her
for a long time and finally I got her to agree to let us come clean her
house. so we got in, cleaned a LOT of dog hair and shared a quick
message(: She really is a sweet lady! She's just really busy and wants
to be able to have her weekend off from work and school... hopefully we
can help her realize that church IS the best break from all of those
Sunday! We don't have a ward pianist/organist in
flour bluff... so one of the members of the bishopric and I switch back
and forth with playing. Today I played... and then our member in the
singles branch who plays is moving to Houston so I get to play for the
singles branch too! What a blessing to be able to play and help them
out! I'm definitely not perfect at it, but the members are patient with
me and grateful to have someone that will play!
Monday morning... I cleaned the bathroom today... I
hate cleaning the bathroom... usually my companion lets me take the rest
of the apartment and she does the bathrooms... but I took my turn in
there today and had to clean out the tub drain... nasty... but now it
drains like a dream! :) Thank goodness dad always made me stand by and
watch as he cleaned out my tub or else I wouldn't have known how to do
Well. as you can see... missionaries go through real
life things as well, the bonus for us it that our main focus and
concentration is on the spiritual things and not on the real life
problems. Something I've been really grateful for this week and knowing
that despite the frustration I feel here sometimes, The Lord has a
greater plan. Each little thing we go through is preparing us for the
next big thing. Be it big or small. we are always being prepared! Just
like our friends, family, and neighbors are being prepared for the
gospel! We are preparing. Always preparing. and some day, we will see
the true fruits of our labors! No importa si esta en este vida or la
proxima! La cosa mas importante que todo, es si estamos trabajando duro y
enfocandonos en lo que El Senor quiere que hagamos! :)
I know the Savior lives! I know He loves me and understands all the
good and bad happening every day! Everything we have been through, has
prepared us for this exact moment in our lives! And everything happening
now is preparing us for whats up next! Take it on with a smile! and
write your favorite missionary a letter ;) Haha! Happy Thanksgiving!
Con Carino,
Hermana Nielson

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