So Cold!!!
oh man did sister diaz and I freeze this week!! We got down to 45
degrees out on the island... I know that doesn't sound cold... but with
lots of humidity and wind from all directions... its bad!
Sooo I Just want to write a little about Thanksgiving and our miracle investigator today!
off, it was weird not being home for thanksgiving. I was thinking back
and realized that this time last year I was in New Mexico or driving
home, or hanging out at the York's house all the time... :( its a little
weird to do that! Most of my mission I've been able to use as an
example "if you told me one year ago that I would be in texas riding a
bike in a skirt! I would tell you that you were crazy!" but one year ago
now, I was getting ready for this crazy adventure and stressing every
minute of it!
So.... This thanksgiving was by far the biggest
commandment breaker of them all. Sister Diaz, being from Guatemala, has
never had a thanksgiving! (American holiday right?) Knowing this, I
decided to be a good senior companion and arrange appointments for THREE
thanksgiving dinners :) I figured that since its my only one as a
missionary, I should enjoy it to the fullest right? Oh man... my father
and brothers would be so proud. We ate.... and ate.... and ATE! and my
companion looked at me when we got to the third house and asked "do I
really have to eat here sister nielson....?" I smiled and told her "No
worries! They just wanna feed us more pie here!" So it was a glorious
and gluttonous day to say the least! Some super good food and some...
eh... could have been improved. It didn't compare at all to my mom's
cooking though! Momma always wins that competition.
SO! GOLDEN INVESTIGATOR!! Our awesome investigator I
have mentioned briefly has decided he wants to be baptized this
sunday!! Sister Diaz and I are thrilled! We can't wait! we have been
helping him quit smoking and seriously he is a miracle child. He will be
my first white baptism! He is awesome though really! He just
understands everything immediately and already believes it. Its awesome!
So he just has to fight the addiction this week and we will be
baptizing on sunday! I'll let you know next week what happens :)
Now for my thing I learned this week! I believe I've
said this before, but its been... going through my head a lot lately!
Everything we have been through in the past has prepared us for this
moment we are living. Everything. We are always being prepared for the
next moment we will live. That's what this life is intended for! To
prepare us for the next one. we never are done learning, experiencing
and trying new things and I love that! No matter how hard it gets, it
can always be harder right? Which is actually a pretty optimistic thing
if you think about it! The things we are going through are easy compared
to what they could be if we didn't have the gospel with us. And that's
why we have missionaries :) to bring the gospel to those that are
struggling and don't have the peace that the fullness of the gospel
brings! I really love the people out here. Even the ones that tell us
they don't want to listen... they are wonderful and just don't realize
what a blessing it could be in their lives!
I know the Church is True! God lives and loves us and we are all
enlisted until the work is done and the Lord shall welcome us back into
His loving arms!
Love you all!
Be safe and share this precious gift we have!
Sister Nielson

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