would take a lot longer than the hour I have to tell you about all the
miracles Sister Vargas and I have beheld this past week!!! So I'm just
going to tell you about one!!!
This week... we have literally talked to everyone again! Man...
We've had rejections of the worst sort to the point a lady threw the mormon.org
card back in my bike basket and walked away! That was rough... but! Its
definitely improved my humility and patience and ability to speak with
love when I am... less than happy ;) But as we all know, for all the bad
that happens there is just as much, if not MORE good! so here is the
major good that happened this week! We were biking, because we love
bikes!, and came acrossed this guy. Teenager... skateboard.. you know
the type! So we stopped to talk to him and asked if we could come visit
his family! and he was like "yeah sure why not" and gave us his address.
So we went by them later that day....
The parents were the only ones home. They opened the door and
before we could even introduce ourselves, they invited us right in!
asked if we'd like some water, or bread, or a treat or anything and we
sat down and started talking. Well, Turns out, they hadnt' talked to
their son since we had. So he didn't tell them we were coming! They
literally had just invited strangers into their house. so we explained
what our purpose is and the father asked us what made our church
different from the baptist church they attend. So there we went into
teaching the restoration!! Literallly my first time reciting the first
vision in english! :D Crazy right? I've only done it in spanish before!
So we taught them the restoration and talked about the book of mormon
and read a little and he said "alright. lets pray about it shall we?" so
we said sure! and we all kneeled down. As he was praying he said "Lord,
I offer you this Book of Mormon and ask that you reveal to me if it be
true. and if it not be true, please let these sisters know." When he
asked if it was true the spirit was so powerful! you could literally cut
through it with a knife it was amazing! But the moment he asked if it
wasn't true, it dropped! The spirit just disappeared as a no! it is
true! It was crazy!
We set a return appointment with them for this week and are super
excited to go back! he committed to read and truly find out if the book
was true. :) Crazy miracle!! No body just lets us in out here on the
island... It was a real testimony builder for me because that day we had
sent out to find a family of 5 and new investigators. We found that
family( a different one than the one in the story) and will see them
this week as well! How crazy is that?
When we really set our mind to something and involve the Lord in
it, there is no way we can fail! He will not deny us anything if it is
for a righteous purpose and we are willing to sacrifice for it! We've
had many long cold days in the sun(ironic i know. cold and sunny!) on
those bikes and have been working super hard! I know there are more
blessings in store if we remain diligent and steadfast in the Lord's
work! I love being a missionary and testifying of the Saviors love! I
know this church is true! It is the restored church of God and Jesus
I hope everyone has a safe this week and know that I will hopefully be enjoying some warmth on the island this week :) Love you!
Hermana Nielson

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