Soo... I'm not gonna lie... I was stressing about the transfer
calls this time around. I kept thinking "it'll be fine if a stay... I
love the members... we are working hard... it'll be fine.. " But then
the other thought of "I've been here 6 months!!! I need something new
before I go crazy! Too late! I'm talking to myself!!"
So i'm stressing right? Attempting to study as we waiting for the
calls when suddenly! The phone rings! We have the voicemail! (they send
out a group voice mail with information for us)
We are listening right? and they say a couple changes then say "oh
thats all! Bye everyone! No wait! One more! By the way, Sister Nielson
you are going to Edinburg... and you are opening an area so we don't
know what its called.. or who your companion is. Have a great day!"
AHHHH!!!! I'm sooo excited!!! They finally found out for me, my
companion is Sister Perez who started her mission at the same time as me
:) So we are opening this new area in Edinburg together! Huzzah! It
will be an adventure for sure!
As for adventures of this last week..... :)
We had a baptism on sunday!!!!
Sara got baptized!! our 14 year old investigator who's parents are
members AND HER DAD GOT TO BAPTIZE HER!!!! How cool is that?! Inactive
for 15 years but able to get reactived and be worthy to baptize his
youngest daughter!! It was so wonderful and the spirit was very strongly
felt there! Blessings and miracles!!! :D We were super nervous about
something falling through up until the very last moment! But it all
worked out perfectly! He did have to do it twice because her knees
popped out of the water... But it all worked out!! The family just
looked sooo happy :D :D I love families!! It was a wonderful way to
spend my last sunday in the island!! I just love the flour bluff ward
sooo much! They are wonderful! The members were super supportive and
brought treats and stuff too :) Yay!! Honestly, the best thing in the
world for a new member/investigator is a good supportive and loving
ward! It truly is a 2nd family and this ward has just EMBRACED this
family :) I wish I could just take the whole ward with me to my next
area! But i know there is a good ward down in the valley waiting for me
so its alright!
Other cool things of the week,
It was freezing. I was cold. :( So we drove most of the week... not
my favorite thing to do but... It happens! (its been rumored that my
new area is my "sister biking area" that i've been begging the APs for..
so that could be fun!) We met lots of cool people and definitely saw
some sweet miracles! We keep finding all this random less active members
in the church as we are tracting.. crazy right? We started talking and
they just kind of smile and cut us off as they say "oh we know.. we are
members" :O what?! So we found more of those this week... Yikes! I also
read a talk by Elder Bednar recently... I believe its called "chose not
to be offended" There's a part where he talks about visiting less active
members who have stopped coming to church because they are offended.
When he would go visit them, they would talk about why they hadn't been
to church and he would.. kindly... point out all the blessing they are
missing out on for not being active members. It reminded me of something
my parents say "throwing out the baby with the bath water" ? I
believe? or as well "cutting your nose off despite your face" something
like that :) Haha
It makes me so sad to think of all the ways I am being blessed and
my family as well for being active in the church and then think of how
much these people are denying themselves by not being faithful to their
baptismal convenants... I guess thats why I love reactivating people...
:) Helping them rediscover the gospel truths and receive all those
blessings our loving Heavenly Father is waiting to bestow on them!
The gospel is just such a blessing!! Its not difficult!! In a talk
yesterday, one of members spoke on the Plan of Salvation. Is it really
that hard? No! This earthly life is sooo short. Its precious! Why would
you waste time not going to church and living the best you can because
someone ELSE said something dumb?! ahhh!! I don't understand :) But
thankful the Lord does. and He is always trying to make things right
through other people. He's pretty awesome like that! Something I loved
that the member said is everything is just "momentary pain" It doesn't
last forever. This life? It can be momentary pain as well! Before you
know it, you are back to Heaven and you wondered what happened to the
time! Don't waste it!!! I know that I have a little less that 6 months
left to serve the Lord with ALL my time! and I plan to use it to the
fullest! Next stop Edinburg! After that? Who knows! God does! But I
don't need to know right now... because the Lord's work shall roll on
until all His promises are fulfilled! I testify of that in the name of
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, amen!
Hermana Nielson

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