Feliz Navidad!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all!!!!
Diaz and I tried making cards to send out to everyone but our Walmart
machines have been out of commission so it didn't happen :( Sorry! But
thank you to all who sent us packages and letters!!! We are gonna get
thank you notes written today :)
Literally this Christmas was amazing and crazy! I was blown away by
all the wonderful things that ended up in our apartment and they are
all being very well enjoyed :) We have a big box clear full of candy
and stuff that we will be taking to the zone new years eve party! We are
ordered to be at the stake center tomorrow at 6pm so that we aren't out
and about on New years eve! not exactly a safe holiday I guess ;) ah
well! the fun we have as missionaries!!
Sooo I don't have too much to write about because I
got to Skype home and talk to my lovely family :) It was super cool
meeting my sister in law for the first time and getting to see my
ADORABLE nephew show off his train underwear :) I love him! Even my
companion admitted that I have the cutest nephew :)
But I do have something I want to share with you all.
in church my companion got to speak! It was her first time giving an
English talk in a big ward and she was terrified. (she's adorable like
that. 27 and sometimes scared of her shadow but shes wonderful!) Her
topic was sacrifice and what she had to sacrifice to go on a mission. as
I listened to her speak... I realized how much the Lord truly has given
us and how much we don't realize it. I remember when I was younger my
parents taking something away from me for my acting out and always
saying "a phone is a privilege not a right!" or "the car is a privilege
not a right!" Being on a mission truly is a privilege the Lord has
given me and i'm so grateful! I love being a missionary and sharing the
gospel. even when we don't have investigators and its street contacting
all day... its still fun. I've literally met the strangest yet coolest
people this year as I've been on a mission! In the MTC, in Laredo, in
Mcallen and here in Corpus!
I bet the Lord laughs sometimes when we realize just how different
everyone is from us! How does He create so many people so differently?!
He's amazing!
Ha I realized I've gone into rambling so I better finish this up!
Basically what I have to say is this, the Lord lives! He loves us!
We are here to remind everyone else of that fact! Whether they accept or
not... that's their problem when we get to face the Lord! But as for
me, I know He's there and this is His great work we are all a part of!
Thank you again to everyone for the Christmas wishes! I wish you a
great new year! Set some goals that involve the Lord this year and I
know He will richly bless you!
Love you all!
Hermana Nielson en la Isla

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