New Companion Madness!
Well! A new transfer has begun here in the great Texas McAllen Mission and I am super excited for it!
It was a tearful adventure sending Sister Diaz off to her next area but I know she will do great!
My new companion is super awesome! Her name is Sister Vargas! Her
family is from the Dominican Republic so she has more native Spanish
that I can learn from :) and Dominican Spanish has different slang from
Guatemalan and Mexican so I'm learning all sorts of things haha! We have
already had some awesome success and this transfer is looking like its
gonna be full of miracles and service!
I've decided every transfer seems to have a theme and this transfer
is the one of service so far! We got to serve a potential investigator
out in Port Aransas this last week! We went out and painted his trailer
and will be helping them out again this week and then we got to go clean
the house of a less active member on the bluff that the elders can't
visit because its a grandmother and her granddaughter.
I seriously love service so much! Its an amazing feeling putting
aside your own worries and concerns and just focusing on someone else
for a moment. I love it!
This last week was also New Years!
Happy New Years to all! We spent our new years eve in the church with
the zone :) we watched Mulan and ate soo much candy! We took our big box
of Christmas candy and the elders put a good dent in our supply... but
Sister Vargas and I are still grabbing a piece out of it every time we
walk by it on the counter in our apartment... Its pretty gross but its
all stuff I like so... I don't mind :)
Well! I learned something new this week. This week I
was studying on Humility. Because I've realized that I am a very proud
and spoiled person sometimes. I look at all the things I have and think I
need more and then I see these people we are serving and man... it
really puts me in my place!
The thing I've learned about humility came out of la Guia... its
like the Spanish version of the bible dictionary. to paraphrase, it
tells us that being humble is being moldable to the will of the Lord. We
need to be willing to bend to our Fathers will and mold ourselves into
what He desires that we become. I think I get a little stiff sometimes
in my life and like to think that I am being humble by just admitting my
faults but i'm really not because i'm not molding myself to what the
Lord desires of me.
This transfer I plan to be as flexible as possible! :D partially
because I"m going to use my exercise time wiser but mostly because I am
going to aim to be more accepting to the mold the Lord has created for
me. I know that He knows my perfect form and just wants me to become it,
but it all starts with my willingness to comply and allow myself to
become as great as I can be!
i invite you as well to aim to be more humble this week! Not just
in your words and deeds of accepting your faults, but be willing to
comply with the will of the Father in your life! When the Spirit
whispers something you need to change, try it before you let the
prideful side take over and tell Him you are fine ;)
I know that these next couple of weeks are going to be awesome! I'm
so excited for this new year because i will spend half of it as a
consecrated full time servant of the Lord and the second half learning
how to be that in a more worldly format! I love the Savior and this time
i have to serve him and wish you all a Happy New Year!!!
Con Carino desde Texas,
Hermana Nielson

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