Rain rain go away!
My goodness... I learned what it means to truly be a bike
missionary in the rain this week... That was... awesome!!! ish.. :) We
have had the coldest and wettest winter North Padre Island has seen in a
long time! just my luck right?! It was a lot of fun though!! on... I
think it was Wednesday, we started out on the bikes and it was kind of
drizzily.. we get this weird weather that it appears to be raining.. but
its not.. its just all this water in the air, like fog, but its not
foggy. and if you walk around in it you get wetter... and wetter... and
wetter... Sister Vargas and I had a lot of fun riding around and got
super wet! So then we went to a members house to dry off for a little
bit and felt like we could continue on! Then we had followups with our
district leader that night and when I told the Elders we were biking in
the rain they didn't believe me! Its like they think sisters don't bike
or something! ;) Little do they know... Sister Nielson is obsessed with
the Bikes!!!
Then on Thursday we started out.. and it started raining and I
thought "hmmm maybe we should turn back." well when we decided that we
should bike we started to turn around and then the rain start pouring...
I mean pouring. We were drenched in water and feeling a little
miserable... So we were true sisters and went back to our car! D: i
know. Not as hardcore of a biker as i like to pretend sometimes. But I
figured the Lord would forgive me for whimping out on a pouring rain
day. and I said a prayer for the Elders in my heart to find nice people
to let them in that day and dry off! so hopefully that worked out for
We've been continuing with our speaking to everyone and man... I've
gotten really good at it! The moment I see a person it takes about
three seconds for me to think "well.. maybe not..." but then i find
myself turning the bike around and yelling out to them. Who would of
thought I couldn't order for myself in a restaurant just one year ago??
So we have been seeing some awesome less active miracles!!! I
swear! When you talk to everyone out here you found hidden lessactives!
They are just popping out of the woodwork! Bishop called us this last
week and said a lady had contacted him wanting to get active in the
church again. She lives in Port Aransas and has been inactive for the
last year and half because of her husband passing away. So we went to
meet her on Saturday night... She's amazing!!! She said shes changing
her work schedule and will be in church next week and she has a 16 year
old son and they are gonna come back! Super cool right?? She really was
the sweetest! I just LOVE working with lessactives! If that was all I
did in my mission, I'd be totally happy! although i do love helping
people get baptized :) Thats super wonderful!
As for church... we had TWO less active families come to church!!!
and remember that family we found with the daughter that hasn't been
baptized? She's 13? yeah they came to church too!!! Sister Vargas was
soo excited! I had to play piano for Flour Bluff ward so i was stuck up
there while she greeted everyone. Then I looked down and she had the
biggest grin as she pointed to the family seated a few rows in front of
her! I'm so grateful for all the little tender mercies we have seen from
the Lord for our obedience this last week!!!
I know the Lord loves us and has crazy cool miracles for us if only
we will seek them out and do our part to be worthy to receive them! He
is always ready and willing to welcome people back in with open arms and
love :) This church is true and I'm so grateful to be a missionary here
in Corpus Christi!!
Hermana Nielson

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