Monday, September 30, 2013

27th Week, August 5, 2013


Mini missionary fun!

Soooo this last week sister Garry and I had babies! mission babies! two young woman from the other stake got to come work with us for the whole week. they slept over at the house of a member, got dropped off at 715 in the morning and picked up at 930 at night! it was a crazy week and sister Garry and i are stoked to take naps today!!!! Longest. Yet. Shortest. Week. Ever!!!

So because we had NO miles left at the end of July... we walked. a lot. on our first full day out walking... our minis didn't bring enough water... for some reason they thought missionaries sat in cars and houses all day? Silly girls(: So one of the minis threw up... not so great... The rest of the week we planned a lot better so they wouldn't have to walk quite as far. each day we switched which mini was with us so that made it a lot of fun! We even found 4 new investigators this week!! Two of them are moms with 3 boys each! ( we plan to get the whole families together this week and teach them all! oh and baptize them as we bring them to Christ)

Our last new investigator of the week we found last night when it was just sister Garry and I! he is probably my favorite one so far. His name is Pete(: and he speaks Spanish. No worries. sister Garry and I are totally awesome at teaching in Spanish now (: except when they use non gospel related words... then we are super confused and they have to try speaking English to us to help us understand the question. That was interesting...

But really what i want to tell you this week is i got jacked for not having my bible with me... jacked is a term we use in the mission meaning... like we got in trouble. When we don't do the reading for district meeting for example, our district leader might "jack us". Sooooo here's what happened!
My mini and i were walking down the street right? a very missionary thing to do(: when this red jeep drives up and the guy yells out "hey are you the Mormons?" well of course that's our favorite thing in the world to hear. so we said "why yes we are" and walked over. what took place after that was one of the most intense conversations I have ever had.

 Yes. We bible bashed. Correction, they bible bashed, my mini missionary stood terrified and confused, and I testified because that's all you can really do in that situation. There were two guys sitting in the car and at first the conversation was friendly! they asked why we are called Mormons(2nd time that week I'd had that question) and I told them I'd show them. so I pulled out a book of Mormon and started explaining(: They were pretty receptive at first... but there is this physical change you can see when Satan takes hold of someone's heart and they start attacking you... yep... it happened. afterward my mini told me that she was understand everything going on, then suddenly she couldn't understand any more and they just looked mean. That is what I call the shift. They shift from being open and receptive to attacking.. and they claim they just want to talk... and that Christ rejoices when we speak of Him. However I don't think He is a fan of when you attack His representatives with false beliefs... ah well! I stood my ground and gave them some things to serioously think about(: as well as gave them both a book of Mormon and committed them to read the introduction and pray about it(: HOWEVER. i did not have my bible... So they asked to see it and I couldn't pull it out... (I'll be honest, its a pure lazy thing... I just carry my triple in Spanish, a BoM in both languages to give away and 3 pamphlets each of the main lessons we teach with my picture book and folder of information for our area... backpacks are heavy when you walk around all day and bibles are SUPER HEAVY!) They pointed out that i was trying to preach about something I didn't even carry... Spiritual jacking right there. the spirit was NOT happy with me. So i will never go anywhere without a bible again. I literally have my triple and bible sitting on my desk as i write this.

Yesterday when we found Pete he also asked to see our bible in Spanish. No worries. it was safely in my backpack ready to be pulled out(: Two witnesses in two days? I get the picture. I won't leave my bible in the car any more!!

On the Spanish news! i gave a talk in Spanish in our zone meeting this last week! It was about the importance of families. i talked about how my parents are where all my gospel learning begin. I learned from my mom to make your bed then say your prayers and I know the importance of knowing your scriptures because my dad can still quote the scripture masteries! I felt pretty awesome speaking and being understood and the elders told me i did a great job and thanked me for it(: yay!!! If only my Spanish teachers could see me now! Speaking to the people and testifying too!

Over all that's the basics of the week! its been a pretty crazy ride but sister Garry and I are excited to fly this week as just the two of us again! mini missionaries are boss and I wish they did this in Utah... but man they complicate things a lot!

I wish you all a great week and don't forget to share the gospel with someone this week! and bring yourself closer to Christ. that is the most important thing! you can only convert to the level of your own conversion. and for that i am reading the bible daily now! Feast upon the words of Christ ! for the words of Christ will tell you all things that ye should do!
Love you!

Hermana Nielson

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