Thursday, September 19, 2013

26th Week, July 29, 2013


Oh what a week we have seen down here in south texas!!!
Highlight of the week :we found EIGHT. thats right. 8!!! new investigators this week! super cool right? Bad news... none could come to church! but its ok. they will be there next week because the church is true(:
So funny things of the week:
Our miles are totally zapped! on wednesday we looked at it and realized we only had 100 miles left for the week. which seems like a lot... but definitely isn't! so we biked! a lot... in the 108 degree weather.. in skirts. I bought some better biking shoes last week with a strap across the foot(mary jane style) and i am now proudly sporting a very ridiculous tan line(: Its great! our members just laugh at us and tell us we should be more careful with our miles! probably true... but its been fun! the bikes are always an adventure! Sister Garry didn't wear the pencil skirt this week though so we didn't have an crashes(: just a few flashing moments with the wind... woops... probably should buy leggings or shorts for under my skirt this week haha!
Mail! so this story is pretty great(: we hadn't gotten any mail for like two weeks... and man.. i was having a serioous pity party quietly by myself thinking "why doesn't anyone love me enough to write? i understand my siblings writing me... but aunt linda usually writes me... or other missionaries..." so as i was feeling this way, we got home on wednesday and the sisters were disgusted with me. (not my companion the other ones we live with) I asked what was up and they pointed to my desk. our mail box has apparently been broken and he hasn't been able to put it in so they happened to run into him today and i got 5 letters from various loving people! It was a wonderful moment in life to know that someone in the real world is thinking of me(: haha!
Spanish and Teaching update!!! We found this wonderful family this last week! The Chavez family! consisting of a mom and 3 adorable girls! they were a referel from the member and super awesome! when we came by the mom told me she had been waiting  for someone from our church but no one had come yet! so we set an appointment for friday and off sister garry and i went! we taught them the restoration! in spanish. completely. and my compy is still uncomfortable with spanish so i taught most of it and she said the first vision(: It was more than a little awesome knowing that i was being understood completely and i was understanding their questions and comments as well! This family is super wonderful! they accepted baptismal dates for the 25 of August and we are hopefully going to have a family home evening with them tonight! i'm super excited!
oh also this week we get mini missionaries... which means youth from down here will come be with us for a week. we get  two! which means sister garry takes one and they work, and i got the other and we go to work.. for a week!!! crazy right? we are freaking out a little and anticipating weight loss as we have no miles and only one car.. yay for adventures!! we will have more updates on this story next week for sure!!
overall that is the main points of excitement we have been blessed with and stumbled into this last week! Every day an adventure in the TMM! Love you all and i wish you the best this week! If you aren't reading your scriptures... i hope the spirit just hit you with a little guilt and you will open them tonight! The book of Mormon changes lives!!! I know it!!
-Sister Nielson

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