First off, we have been learning about the
fundamentals of teaching, such as receiving revelation from church, book
of mormon, prayer. how to begin teaching,. and other stuff like that.
i've been told my spanish is actually fairly good except I lack the
confidence to speak it with power. but I do bring the spirit. so as soon
as I get that boost of confidence I will be a converting machine!!!!
That is the goal at least. this week we met two sisters, one from new
zealand and one from australia. they informed us that our money is so
weird and you cant go swimming with it.. I've never really desired to
swim with my money but it was really funny and they showed us some of
theirs. it has holes in it! what?!
I also got to host my first missionary this week too!!! we supposed
had 1000 missionaries come in this last wednesday so they called out
for anyone not busy to come help host missionaries. I helped a girl who
is headed from the Tulsa Oklahoma mission! spiffy right?!
This week was our first time going to TRC! which means we got
to teach someone who isn't a teacher. the english speakers get
opportunities to teach both members and nonmembers but if you are
leanring a language you only teach volunteer members. we are pretty sure
that is so we don't insult anyone with our poor spanish. the man we
taught was so sweet though! he gave us articulos de fe cards and I've
been working on memorizing one every day. my funny story for the day is
that instead of saying "creemos que los HOMBRES" for the second article
of faith, I said HOMBROS. which is shoulders.. so basically we believe
that shoulders should be punished for their own sins and not for adam's
trangressions. awesome right? much better than Hermana Price's mix up of
cerveza(beer) and cabeza(head) when teaching about the word of wisdom.
Its really fun to teach lessons with practice investigators because we
know we wont insult them and turn them away from the church! huzzah!!!
also! a huge thank you for all the packages I got this last week!!! The
cookies were delicious, I LOVE my necklace! and I got some candy from
Barnett's, candy from aunt linda, and a fun package from Kelly! but the
barnett's didn't give me their address, so if someone could send me that
so I can write them a letter I'd love that!
another funny story, the elders in my zone like to whistle. A LOT . so i am learning patience by not getting upset with them and asking them to stop whistling... I know you are all so proud of me(:
another funny story, the elders in my zone like to whistle. A LOT . so i am learning patience by not getting upset with them and asking them to stop whistling... I know you are all so proud of me(:
We got new zone leaders this week because ours leave this week. the
zone leaders are actually in my district so that is fun! My calling
went well this week! I picked perfect songs(in my opinion) because they
ended up being the same ones for our fireside last night! cool right?!
Awesome moment of the week was when we had tater tot
casserole for dinner!!!!! Elder Stone and I have many things in common.
such as a love for tater tot casserole. and problems with our thyroids.
ironic right? we are like best buds! also his sister lives next store to
us. correction. LIVED. she just left for portland oregon with our best
friend! I don't remember if I mentioned we had a solo girl in our room
for the first two weeks because her companion didn't show up. we love
her and got really close! but she left this morning): so we are sad and
will miss her very much! we also lose the 4 older sisters in our
district this week making my district the oldest here! not age wise but
time served en la CCM(MTC) its kind of a weird feeling. we will get our
travel plans next week on friday then be headed off three weeks from
today! half way done with this place!!! I love it here but I've
developed such a strong love for the people in texas I am so excited to
get there and just serve them all the time! its going to be so
For one of our lessons this week with Sebastian(or Hermano
King our teacher) we "brought a member" which means in reality we took
another teacher to help us out a bit with a "member testimony" and
explanation. It was so wonderful and just felt amazing! i feel very
strongly that lessons go so much better when there is a member in the
ward with them in the lesson! Thats pretty much all i want to talk
about.. well

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