Wow we really don´t have much time to be on the computer here! Excuse all my typing errors Im trying to make it quick!!!
love the MTC soooooo much!!!!!!! It really is the most wonderful place
ever. However, I think it is what spirit prison will be like. Full of
spiritual learning and progression but also feeling very trapped!! My
companion really is so wonderful! she is the sweetest person I´ve ever
met and we get along really really well!! we taught our first lesson in
spanish on friday and it was terrifying! before we went in I felt really
great and like I could do it but then all the spanish disappeared when
we started. Conveniently my companion has spanish speaking family so she
was able to take over and do all the speaking! I´m so grateful! I did
bare my testimony about prayer and how God speaks to us in spanish
though! and we challenged him to pray! It was really great! our second
lesson on saturday didn´´t go quite as well because I was very
distracted.. I´´ve ran into quite a few people I know from home! Like
elder griffeth, smart, anderson, york, hitesman and a few sisters I know
as well like sister hammond! its been really cool seeing the difference
it makes in people to be here! all of our elders are so sweet and I
just love them! a few are really struggling with the language and I just
want to hug them and tell them its going to be alright! but hugging
elders isn´t OK so i just tell them esta bien elders! esta bien!!! The
spanish is actually coming very well! my memorization skills are awful
but we are working through it. we can all pray, read bare our
testimonies and semi teach in spanglish! mostly spanish though. its
pretty amazing. we got to walk around the temple yesterday and take
pictures and we went to the temple today. it was sooo wonderful! it was
nice to have a break from our classroom. we have3 ish 4 districts in our
zone. the district we were suppose to take the place of hasn´´t left
because their visas are delayed for mexico. we get a new district next
week of 6 sisters and 6 elders though! so exciting!!!!!! the sisters are
headed to alabama and the elders go to mexico! its so amazing being
around everyone here. Downside, the food is awful! I´ve been sick to my
stomache from it. I guess school food just isn´´t my thing! I´´m
surviving however. But if you wanted to send me treats, there would be
no complaints! I love letters in the mail as well!! getting the ones
from dear elder were really nice but please add your address to them so I
can write back! hand written letters may become my main source of
communication while I´´m here. the laundry room computers you can use a
little longer, but this ones you are definitely restricted to your time.
the counter is just staring at me saying ¨¨type faster hermana!!!¨¨
also! its weird being called hermana. elders keep talking to me... its a
little odd. luckily all they ask usually is where I´´m from and where
i´´m going. occaionally they ask my age. today i had an elder ask what I
wanted to do with my life. I almost said i just want to get married but
I thought better and told him something else! I really do love it here!
expect a letter home this week with a lot more detail in stuff! i love
you all however! life is wonderful! la iglesia de jesucristo es
verdadero!!!! Jose smith es un profeta y yo se jesucristo es el
salvador! te amo familia!!!!!

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