I'm emailing a little early today because we decided to try and get everything done quickly so we could have a nap this afternoon! napping is my favorite part of pday! last week I told my companion to wake me up at 4 (it was 340) well I woke up at 440 and she told me I just looked so peaceful she didn't want to wake me... isnt she sweet?
This week has flown by so fast!!! The funniest part of the week is that I accidently got left alone with an elder! awkward! we got paired off for an assignemtn to share a scripture that might help the person we were with, so we were just talking sharing the scriptures and my companion and his companion walked out of the room. we didn't even realize it until they came running back screaming apologies! haha its ok though, elder bainter is harmless! so all is good!

This week I really learned the power the spirit has in influencing different lessons. We had TRC (which is where we "teach" volunteers from the area and just kind of have like a family home evening) we used the same three scriptures for both of those lessons and then for a lesson later in the day and EVERYONE got something completely different out of it! the spirit is such a wonderful thing! i love feeling it here! its really the best ever!
This wednesday my companion and I get to hang out with the new missionaries! we were selected to begin the practice lessons for them. On the first day you get seperated into groups and you meet with three different "investigators" and try to teach as a group. but one set of missionaries who has been here for a while starts everything off. this wednesday that will be me and hermana kreis!!!! Yay!! we are so excited! especially since we can do it in english!

In the fireside last night we got another flirt talk... apparently this is becoming a serious problem. especially right now because there are so many 19 year old boys AND girls! No worries, I'm not flirting. I did have an elder offer me his email this week though... I informed him he should be strictly obediant in his mission and the white handbook says to only email family and your mission president. I am neither of those. awkward! But it worked out well!
I've been working on memorizing los articulos de fe! so I will leave you with one of those!
Creemos que los hombres seran castigados por sus proprios pecados y no por la trangresions de adan!
i love you all and may shoot you another message letter today because we still have laundry time and I'm not using all my time right now! love you and hope all is well!!!!
-Hermana Nielson

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