Oh man! My second general conference in the field!! How weird is that?! One more and I will be on my way home! Yikes!
First some of the funny things of the week!
So past sisters got my car rearended... gosh women drivers!(; just
kidding. it totally wasn't their fault. but I had to deal with it. so we
got a call from the office saying we needed to go get it fixed and
arrange things with our zone leader because we probably wouldn't have a
car for a few days... Yikes!
So we took the car on Tuesday
to the shop early in the morning, did our studies at the church, had
our district meeting then had to wait with the bluff elders(we drive
them everywhere) for the zone leaders to pick us up and take us home...
well we didn't get back to the island until about 5 because they decided
they wanted olive garden for lunch/dinner... darn elders!
But when we got home.. we had no car. So we biked! haha oh my dear
lanta... my sweet companion is not so great at biking(: But we didn't
have a bike accident! So that was wonderful! I love when my companions
don't fall off their bikes(: we ended up not having to bike too much
because everyone let us in that day! Tender mercy from the Lord. Then Wednesday
we got up thinking our car would be done... nope... we biked again! But
again, we got into houses so it wasn't so bad. then a member took us in
around 3 oclock because our car was done! Sister Diaz was very grateful to not have to bike any more!
So that was our main big adventure of the week!
On to conference!!!
love conference as a missionary! Watching it at the church, taking
notes and getting answers to questions! I LOVE IT! The funniest part was
having my companion ask me what different English words meant. then
when Edward Dube started speaking I looked at her and she looked back
horrified and said "I cant understand him at all!!!" Ironic that ended
up being one of my favorite talks!
I loved how he said "Never look back! Look at what we still have to
do!" I think in life we get so focused on wanting recognition for the
things we have done that we forget there is still so much to do! still
more adventures to be had, still more people to help, still one more
door to knock at the end of the day! We can't be afraid to look to the
future! There are so many great things in store that our Father in
Heaven is just waiting for us to earn and enjoy. I've definitely felt
some powerful love from my Heavenly Father during this transfer...
Something I also loved from conference is how much they
talked about how we must prepare ourselves to share the gospel and such
with others. We can't expect the Lord to give us the words we need in
the moment we need them if we have not yet studied it out and done our
part! President Maluenda challenged us to put away our scriptures of our
native language and only read in the mission language. I had already
decided I would do that when I got to corpus but its been cool to see
the difference... I'm starting to feel the gospel more powerfully
because I can't just read over it quickly like I always have before. I
have to read deeper and think more about it and instead of reading 5
chapters a day, sometimes I only read 1 or two in the book of Mormon...
(well in the Libro de Mormon!) Understand it first, that you might teach
it to others.
I am working hard to be a true preach my gospel missionary and know
the basics. know exactly what the Lord wants spoken to His beloved
children here on North Padre Island. He loves these people just as much
as he loves me and my family and friends. so I need to study hard and
know His words that they might know of His love as well!
If you haven't read preach my gospel, Read it!!! This week my
personal challenge is to read a christlike attribute every day!
Yesterday I focused on diligence and today is virtue! I promise if you
will do this as well you will feel Christ directing you more! He can
only lead you fully as you come to know him. I know Preach my gospel is
free online or probably you can download it! so no one has an excuse not
to read!! Chapter 6 Christlike Attributes ! one a day!
Christ lives. He is our Savior. He loves us and
understands every trial and happiness which we pass through. He is
always there(: Doubt not, fear not, simply turn to Him and let His ways
be yours as well!
con amor de North Padre Island!
-Sister Nielson

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