Monday, September 30, 2013

32nd Week, September 9, 2013

Because just training one would be too easy.

I'm getting another baby in the mission!
Sooo Sister Petersen is still in training and I've been finishing training her, well we got a call from the Assistants to the President last night... I didn't really think anything of it at first because I served in the ward with them for a while and was used to them calling ocasionally. so they called and the conversation went like this:
Elders: Hey sisters hows it going?
Sisters: Great! We love it up there!
Elders: Sister Nielson! Youre not surfing right?
Sister Nielson: Oh elders! you know i surf every day for morning exercise!
Elders: We are sure you do sister nielson! well we are calling on behalf of President Maluenda tonight
(this is where we started panicking)
Sisters: Alrighty... whats up elders?
Elders: Well we were wondering if you could take a trip down to McAllen tomorrow to pick up your new baby Sister Nielson! Your gonna train another missionary and be in a trio!
Sister Nielson: You're joking right?
Elders: Nope! We want you to still have your pday though! so you will leave Corpus at 530 so you can get to president's house at 8 and pick up your new baby!
Sister Nielson: No but really... you're joking right?
Elders: Sister Nielson the Lord has confidence in you and President Maluenda feels very strongly that this sister needs to be up there with you both! We are really excited for you to come down!
So! We will be leaving here at 530pm to head to McAllen and pick up my second born in the wilderness! How crazy is that? Sister Petersen and I were just getting comfortable being together and now we will be an awesome trio! I'm super excited but definitely went through some serious panicking last night! I called the Sister Training Leaders and told them what was going on so we could borrow their GPS to drive down and just freaked out to them a little. one of the sisters gave me some really good advice though...
She reminded me that these things happen for a reason.That the Lord knows exactly who we need to be with and where we need to be always. Apparently I need to be training these two sisters at this time and though I'm a little overwhelmed and nervous, I'm excited to see what exactly the Lord has in mind for this adventure... haha! I love that right when I start getting comfortable the Lord laughs a little and throws me a new curve! The mission wouldn't be fun if He didn't!
In other news... Our air conditioning died this week(: I've discovered what its like in those countries where you don't have any.. you wake up in the morning wet... from sweat... its pretty gross haha! Sister Petersen and I woke up friday morning and looked at each other and tried not to panic. we tried all weekend to get a hold of our land lord and he was unavaible... luckily he called our house keeper lady today and said he would get it fixed! So we survived 3 days with out airconditioning(: But! the elders were sympathetic to our needs and brought us two big box fans! that was a serious blessing for sure! we love those serving elders!
Next awesome news: WE FOUND A FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are super awesome! Sister Petersen and I were visiting a referrel and she told us we should talk to her neighbors. One neighbor she said was super friendly and nice the other super mean. the mean one is a biker and she told us some bad stories... so we were a little nervous... guess which neighbor was the family that invited us back and we've already taught the restoration to? Yup. The biker! he's super cool! Him and his wife have two adorable kids 13 and 9! Fantastic ages right? So we have another lesson with them tomorrow and they will be in church on sunday! We have been praying since I got there to find a family and we know this is the one! We just need to help them receive that spiritual confirmation that this is God's true church on the earth today! and it is! so that shouldn't be too hard right? Haha.
One more cool thing for the week! I spoke in sacrament meeting at the singles ward here! It was my first time speaking in church in the mission! So i was pretty excited!  I decided to try that whole... "lead by the spirit" approach with my talk.... the branch president asked us to speak on preach my gospel too so it was an awesome topic i know VERY well! I decided on chapter 6 as my focus! Christlike Attributes! I went through each of the attributes and talked about why each one of them is important to me personally and what it means. I think the best part of the talks is that my companion panicked and got scared and only talked for 7 minutes... welll this branch is tiny. and we were the only speakers.. so that gave me 20 minutes to talk and I did! How cool is that?! I had a couple of the members thank me afterward for my talk and tell me that they really felt the spirit :D That was an awesome feeling!
I think one of the attributes that I need to apply the most currenlty is patience... always patience I struggle with! I've gotten good(i think) with my patience with others. its definitely been interesting being patient teaching a new missionary(and now a NEWER missionary) but my self patience isn't so great. I keep expecting a lot better out of myself and feeling like i'm failing. But I've realized that... by getting upset at myself and not being patient with myself, its not just me I'm affecting. My companions can tell when my confidence level goes down and I'm afraid. Members can see it and I can see the change in them when they notice. So I have made that my goal in this new adventure that begins today! I must be a lot more patient with myself. That doesn't mean getting lazy when I can't do something perfect right away... it means I'm going to keep trying. I invite all who read this to do the same thing! Think of something you've been getting frustrated with yourself on... maybe its a talent you are trying to develope that just doesn't seem to be working out... try it again. and when you feel that frustration, take it to the Lord right then. Ask him for help and trust Him. He knows better(:
I'm grateful for my loving Heavenly Father that knows me so well and is patient with me, and my loving Father here on earth that whenever I get frustrated I can hear him in the back of my head saying "suck it up and fix the problem! you're killing me smalls!"
I know that when we are patient with ourselves, miracles can happen! I'm so excited for this next adventure in my mission and can't wait to meet my 2nd baby in the mission tonight! I can just feel that she is going to be a wonderful blessing in my life and teach me a whole lot more than I could ever teach her! I wish everyone back at home the best! Love you!
Sister Courtenae Nielson

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