Monday, September 30, 2013

29th Week, August 19, 2013

Spanish with a... FRENCH ACCENT?!

Yes indeed ladies and gentleman, it IS possible to speak spanish with a french accent! and not a fake one!
Sister Garry and I were walking down the street one day and this lady had a fake scottish terrior. so i started talking to her (because I'm sister Nielson and i talk to strangers on the streets!)  and she told me politely in english she didnt' speak english (always makes me laugh) so i went into spanish and she went into spanish and we talked for a minute but her accent was strange... so we asked where she is from. Yup. France. She speaks french, spanish and italian!!! French is her native tongue so she has a french accent in spanish! it was seriously the coolest thing i have ever heard in my life! her daughter is a member and she has a french book of mormon! she loves the church and thinks its awesome but "no quiero obligaciones!" she doesn't want any obligations like having to go to church weekly and stuff... psh! but she is willing to teach us french and thinks we are beautiful(: so we will just have to work on her commitment issues!
Next story is super cool!!! We had a zone meeting on tuesday with our mission president! he is amazing!!! the meeting was led completely by the spirit. he called it last minute and told our zone leaders, Sister training leaders, and the asistants that they all were to speak according to the spirit. no prepping was done before hand. so they all got up in turn and followed the spirit! it was amazing! our zone leaders even sang for us! i love those elders so much!! one is from CHILE! and the other from sandy utah and they are absolutely amazing!
Well. then wednesday morning we got a call from our zone leader. sister garry answered becuase I was in the shower and she came up afterwards freaking out. The elder called and said "sisters... i was praying last night and feel impressed that you need to find a family today. read 1 Nephi 3 and 4 and go find them" so we read and.... we found them!!!!
We started out the day going to see a former because she informed us that maybe other families needed the gospel more than her family right now so we decided to go ask her who those families are (ha ha) and they weren't home. so we looked at the house next door and sister garry commented that we had seen kids there before. so we knocked. got inside within a few minutes of talking about importance of familes... and  well... they are getting baptized september 15!!!
Here's the coolest part of the whole thing! we were sitting on the couch talking to them... and i pulled out my book of mormon. Well one of the sons looks at me and asks what book i'm holding. so of course i told him... and he said he has one! WHAT?! His sister went to our church a few times and her friend gave her a book... but then she didn't like it so she gave it to him! we challenged him to read it and he's already on chapter 10 of first nephi! this family is super cool! We are so grateful for the direction of our leaders! they truly are inspired not only for their areas but for us as well!!!
Soooo things i've studied this week... The church keeps putting all of these old books on a table for people to take... yes i have a small collection currently of books of grabbed. mosty spanish ones because i need more to read and learn in spanish but I recently grabbed one about the priesthood... can i just say AH MAZING!!!!! Its just the priesthood manuel they used for young mens but seriously... i am in ah every time i read that thing! the priesthood truly is SOOO amazing!!! and I totally didn't know we could write down fathers blessings... i am kicking myself I haven't ever done that!
One of the things I found the most amazing is that it talks about how when you receive the priesthood you pretty much always have the AUTHORITY to use it. But the POWER comes from your worthiness and how you are living according to God's commandments. I realized that is the same with missionary work! We can wear the pretty black tag and call ourselves missionaries all we want. we have that AUTHORITY. But our POWER comes from being worthy to act in God's name and doing all that He asks of us! We recently issued a super cool challenge to some members that i want to issue out to you all!! Figure out one thing you are doing that is driving away the spirit. Something that maybe isn't helping you follow what God would have you do... you are thinking of it aren't you? (: Stop it. Right now. Do not do that thing ANY more. Purify yourself against it and stop right this instant. As soon as you decide to, it will be hard. Satan will do all he can to see you fail. Don't let him win. Change just one thing today to help you have the spirit more fully and write about it in your journal! I'm currenlty working on that by not saying some words that aren't bad... but definitely Christ probably wouldn't use(: I wish you luck in your journey!
The Lord truly loves us. I've realized more and more that every bad or good experience I have had has prepared me for right now! In good ways and bad(: Rejoice in pains and infirmities! Take please in reproaches for when we are weak! we are strong! Love you all!
The church IS TRUE! The Lord LOVES you. and there are people who need your testimony more than you could ever know!
-Sister Nielson

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