Thursday, September 19, 2013

24th Week, July 15, 2013

Milagros y Locos!!!

This week has been absolutely INSANE!!!! I believe the last week of every transfer should but but
man!!!! I can't even begin to describe the roller coaster! so we will just share a few stories and maybe you can read my journal someday and learn of ALL the craziness!!!!

We can go with a funny story first! soooo we went to visit this permagater (permanent investigator) His family is all members and he was supposed to get baptized on the 30th of June but backed out and didn't do it.. Super sad right? here's the funny part... we had felt that we need to visit them this week. so we went! and his wife told us that the day after he should have been baptized he told her he wanted to be! But she just never got around to calling us... (WHAT?!) so we asked where he was currently and she said that when we started walking up to the house and he saw us he ran to the back to hide... so then we heard all this quacking out front(they have a bunch of chickens and ducks and dogs. this is the house sister bolster got bit by a goose at). we walk out... and he is in the car leaving! He literally ran for it when he saw us! now we are thinking we are clever because our car is in the middle of their super long driveway and he can't get out. Yeah right. He drove ON THE GRASS! AROUND OUR CAR to get out of there! How crazy is that?! Its not the best situation ever... but when you step back and look at it? we died laughing when we got home that night because it really is funny the extreme measure he went to running away! Crazy right?
and when I say MIRACLE. I MEAN IT!!! She literally decided on Thursday she was getting baptized! We will call them the A family!!! Well They were actually miraculously found by a member about 2 months ago right? so brother A got baptized in May before i got here and that was a big messy mess but because he was SO prepared to be a member, everything worked out! His wife knew the church was true as well but refused to be baptized until her two kids found god. so we have been visiting them this whole transfer trying to help her realize she need to make the first move and follow what she knows is true. Yeah a wiser person might have walked away... but we knew we had to help them! We had lessons where we just read in the book of mormon with brother A about baptism and he straight up told her should would go to hell if she wasn't baptized! Crazy right? so thursday night we were like "ok... this has to happen. she is getting baptized" we had it in our plans all week that we would have a baptism on the 14th of July because it was sister bolster's last sunday in the field. so we went into the lesson with that mind set and were TERRIFIED!!!! But Sister Garry started us out strong and after a good hour of discussion I told Sister A "you have to kneel and ask him and you will feel ready" and she asked "well what if i don't feel it?" and I felt like at that moment it truly was God saying through me "Sister A, you are going to feel it. You will." oh man it was scary. we were all shaking and hearts pounding as we knelt on the floor and she prayed. when she finished she said she felt so much peace and comfort! her heart was just racing. we told her that was her sign. But no worries, the devil tries! Friday morning she woke up and told her kids she wasn't going to do it. Through-out friday she literally had SIX signs pretty much tell her she needed to be baptized, from finding notes in her car, so a lady straight up reading to her in the bible(completely randomly) about how she needs to put the things of GOD first!!! :D So we visited saturday and talked and she straight up said "it would be idiotic NOT to get baptized after the signs I've had!" Holy shoot man!!! We were ALL smiles. then sunday she had her interview during church, passed with flying colors and a testimony and gold!
Now is the best part of the story, Her HUSBAND! (member of one month) BAPTIZED HER!!!! He speaks mainly spanish. so he did it in spanish and it was flawless perfect! She came out of the water and they were all smiles! they hugged and he kissed her cheeks and we were waiting at the top of the stairs to hug her! it was seriously the biggest miracle ever! We are so happy for them! and the children's hearts are being soften towards the church SO much! Sister Garry and I are determined to get them to accept the gospel this transfer!
Oh yeah! Transfers!!!! Not too exciting but they are at the same time!! Sister Bolster is headed home to cali! she will be greatly missed because she truly is a great missionary! But here's the fun bit... Sister Nielson is now senior companion with sister  garry! wooooo!!! D: I'm just glad I'm not training yet! Sister Garry and I have VERY similar personalities so we get along great(: we both are determined to work our behinds off this transfer and bring some serious souls unto Christ! The only real perk of being senior comp is i get to drive again(; yay! Sister Nielson hates driving haha. this should be fun! Oh well! I'm excited! this next transfer will be a blast!! So you can keep sending me letters here in mcallen! I love hearing from home so much!!! I especially love pictures from my cute neighbers(: They are the best! I hope all is well back in Utah and you've enjoyed my crazy stories from this past week! The mission really is the biggest adventure ever! Sister Bolster said this transfer has literally been her craziest ever... i hope thats not my fault! If so, I have a GREAT future to look forward to! Remember to always put the things of the Lord first! he is ready and willing to help us but man... he has it ALL planned out so much better than we EVER could! TRUST HIM!!!! :D Love you all and keep me posted on the Utah Gossip!
-Sister Nielson
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